QuASoQ 2024

12th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality

in conjunction with the 31st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2024)
Chongqing, China, 3rd December 2024

The workshop is over! Many thanks to everyone who contributed!

Format of the Workshop

In order to have an interesting and interactive event with a lot of experience exchange, we plan to organize the workshop presentations as follows:
  • Papers are presented by one of the authors. After the presentation a discussant starts the discussion based on pre-formulated questions. Therefore the discussant has to prepare a set of questions and to know the details of the presented paper.
  • There is a slot of 25 minutes per paper.
  • The author of a paper has 20 minutes to present the paper.
  • After that, the discussant opens the discussion using their questions.
  • Finally, questions from the whole audience are discussed.

QuASoQ Time Table and Program

The workshop will take place in the Xianglin Ballroom!
Please note: The given times of the program are subject to change!

From Until Authors/Speaker Title Paper-ID Discussant
09:00 09:15 Nils Wild Opening & Introduction to the Workshop
Session A - Chair: Nils Wild
09:15 09:40 Selin Aydin, Dennis Mertens and Ouyu Xu An Automated Evaluation Approach for Jupyter Notebook Code Cell Recommender Systems #1 speaker of #7
09:40 10:05 Sheng Zou, Liqian Chen, Guangsheng Fan, Renjie Huang and Banghu Yin F-IKOS: An Abstract Interpretation-based Static Analyzer for Fortran Programs #4 speaker of #3
10:05 10:30 Takumi Katsuie, Shinpei Ogata, Kozo Okano, Yukako Iimura and Shinobu Saito A Report on Sentiment Analysis of Requirements Engineering Artifacts created in University Course #2 speaker of #6
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
Hybrid Session B - Chair: Nils Wild
11:00 11:25 Nasir Mehmood Minhas, Javed Iqbal and Saif Ur Rehman Khan Requirements Engineering Practices Model to Incorporate 'Power' Human Value #6 speaker of #2
11:25 11:50 Ramita Deeprom, Shiyu Yang, Yoshiki Higo, Morakot Choetkiertikul and Chaiyong Ragkhitwetsagul Challenges in Adopting LLaMA: An Empirical Study of Discussions on Stack Overflow #5 speaker of #4
11:50 12:15 Jianing Sun, Jiahui Wang, Yuyan Zhu, Xingyu Li, Ying Xie and Jiaxin Chen A Novel Approach to Automated Test Script Generation using Large Language Models for Domain-Specific Languages #7 speaker of #1
12:15 12:40 Md Arif Hasan and Toukir Ahammed (presented online) Understanding the Occurrences of Test Smells in Open Source and Industrial Software Systems: An Empirical Study on Python Projects #3 speaker of #5
12:40 12:45 Nils Wild Workshop Closing
12:45 14:00 Lunch